How Many Visits!?


Permit and Summer reading books

Ok, for one I id dint get my permit D: i didnt pass the exam. :(
But i can return monday and try again. but i have to go to the site : to take the practice test all weekend and if i get atleast 1/2 of the 99 questions right i could pass the test monday or when ever after monday...
my dad says that reading the drivers manualis useually make taking the exam worse. Because you have so much information that it runs through your brain in a blur as you take the exam.. So the best bet is to go with logic instinct.

I said that from now on id start telling you slight/"short" (in my terms) summaries of what ever book i finish?

I finished my summer reading project book. "Shiva's Fire"
I might end up telling you the summary i wrote for my essay... in another post..

i gotta go. See you readers later
Your Wacky Little Writer,
Star :)


Boyfriends (goes out to mainly girls)

I wish i had something to say...
What about them?
Exactly, what about them? If your straight.. you can't live with out them...
But being with them is a pain. They make you happy, they make you sad. They make you cry, they make you glad. And the really sucky part in the end they still make you love them... Some how they always do... I mean no matter what they've done... YOu always remember the great things you two had. :(
But i always have a rage towards them. I hate how even the worst bf ive had can even make me feel the slightest love for them still.
I dont know who was the worst bf ive ever had but... It's still irritating...

Not to mention how easy i am to get a boyfriend and then end up being hurt. Me trying to make myself happy doesnt make out well.
I find a guy i like and he make sme happy then something, somethign always goes wrong, Nothing is right nothing is perfect.
I mean i know nothign in life is perfect, but you'd think life would give me a break for once and give me someone that will break my 3month record... I mean PLEASE?!

Well i guess thats all for now...
Ill post some time before August.

Your Wacky Little Writer,
Star :(



So i have officially decreeded that i HATE pranks.
Well the cruel ones any how i do >:|
The funny ones and innocent ones that DONT make some one emotionally unstable are fun and i like them...

I bet your wondering why the freaking hell im writeing about pranks...
Well it so turns out my Boyfriend Angel. His friend Taylor has this friend Not to say any names mainly because i dont know her, Savannah. :) Decided a great way to find out if i truely liked Angel was to, in her way, "Prank" me.. by Telling me that Angel was cheating on me by grabbing her and Taylor at the pool and trying to fuck them... Or by telling me that he said "She didnt promise me anything about not cheating on me so why cant i?" Then to tell me he already thought i cheated on him and that he was just going to straight up break up with me. And then She thought it'd be nice to tell me that he thought i had STDs. At first, i thought they were kidding then taylor kept telling me "no Hun its all true, i mean one day i was chillin with him and in his room and he kept telling me to lay with him on his bned, but i sat up and he kept rubbing up on me and i was like naw dude u have a girl." and after a few more messages i started to beleive her. Because Taylor is one of my new friends and has known Angel for a long time i beleived her.
After i started to beleive it... I Cried. Then id calm down.. Read what ever response they wrote cried again. Almost broke my dad computer because i was trying to type a response to Taylor (on facebook) but tears would blurr my sight. Then id just cry again.
Taylor asked me if i beleived her i told her i slightly do she called me and yelled at me going "Dude you slightly beleive me?!" i told her i do but its hard to because yeah... Then a little after that and after crying fourty million times after getting off the phone with Taylor i told her i was going to bed and she goes, ok im so sorry this had to happen to you.
I woke up tired, sad, and confused... i took my shower went to my room... Sat down And Angel called me back.. I could tell he knew something was wrong.. When he asked what i wanted to talk about i started to cry.. So i told him i would talk to him later cause i was a little "busy" he asked if it was good or bad I said bad-ish Then he asked what it was about i said About things that taylor has told me... He goes oh ok and hangs up
I Text taylor and tell her we shuld 3 way call him and get him to talk about a few things so i can fully beleive her. And she said that he had just told her to never talk to him again.
So i ended up calling him we talked and not even a minute into it Taylor says "Dude, i have to tell you it was all a prank. Savannah just wanted to see how you would react and if you liked Angel a lot"
I started to cry and then told Angel the whole deal. He was saying he was sorry and that he was mso mad. I told him how i was emotionally unstable all night. He was still apologizing by the time we hung up again.
I was so mad not even talking to Miley Cyrus made my day great ive been pissy all day And my day/week has been officially ruined thanks to Taylor and Savannah.
Taylor im mad at her still... But im not going to stop talking to her forever.

thats all

Your Wacky Little Writer,
Star :|



I remember reading "The BreadWinner" In like 8th grade that was a great book.
But for one of my Honors english books to read. Theres "Parvana's Journey". Where she goes on a journey to find her Mother and sisters. It was ok i put Question marks by that book because i dont think i would ever want to read a book for a series i read in 8th grade.

Then theres "Shiva's Fire" its so amazing its about this girl who is born during one of Indias Monsoons. And she is born wiht this curse of some sort. Animals walk by her side and she can dance liek their Lord Shiva. SHe even danced right through flames of a burning fire and came out with out any burns. When shes offered to go to a dancing place. She finds her destiny and a roimance. This is one of the few i really want to read for this project.

Then theres. "Running on Eggs" Theres a land (the summary didnt say) where Arabs and Jews are forced to share. And Yet they hate eachother but two girls (one jew and one Arab) become friends because of the combined Jew/Arab track team. Though one girls' family wont let her becaus of the track uniforms but she promise the other girl to help wiht training. They secretly meet in the 'No Mans Land' to train, though things go wrong when Kareans little brother spys on them and sees what really is happening.

Then "Red Scarf Girl" About a girl who is in China and a Army lady comes to their class and asks for her and another boy to go to the gym the army lady asked how flexible they are. They did back bends then after class they were notified that they can be auditions for a danceing group for the CHinese army to help support them. But Then as she grows up doing this she realizes whats rigth and whats wrong.

The 2nd to last book "Chinese Cinderella" Its about this girl who was born and then three days later her mother gets sick. Then when shes two weeks old her mother dies. Her father remarried and her step siblings are treated better than her and her real siblings. Shes torchured and abused. Though she keeps her head high and manages to be successful by getting through school and getting high grades.

The Last book on my list "I will Plant You a Lilac Tree" Is about one of the Schindlers List survivors and a memoir to them Its goes through them all. How when Hitler first started into power. Then how they are baorded into Auchiwits. Then how Schiondler comes and saves them. They we're saved and she was so young. Its goes through it all.

Well thats all i can say ill update in a new post by tomarrow if i find another interesting book :)

Your Wacky Little Writer,
Star :)

Happy 4th of July Readers!!!

Well today has been a very memory stricken day. Its the first 4th of July i've gone with out my mom.

Its nice to sit out side and hang out with my brother. And with his Friends They are awesome and dancing and watching the fireworks are amazing. Great pictures and everything ;)

Well theres not much to say...

Your Wacky Little Writer,
Star :)


The Last Airbender~Hair color~Job/coseplay/animeCon~Preppy?~My Nose peircing~McHottie

Have you seen the preveiws or trailers for The Last Airbender?
God they hired a lot of ugly ass people to play the main characters >:|
I mean Ang from the cartoons was liek freaking amazingly cuteeh! And Katara was slightly hot herself. The only person that is an improvement formt eh cartoons is Kataras brother, thats only because Jackson Rathbone is playing him hahaha **drools**

Does anyone thing i could pull off a dyed blonde then dyed Burgundy look? (look at image below to see what i mean by burgundy)

Because weather i can or not i really dont care im still goign to do it.. And maybe just maybe try and keep it that way hahahaha :)

Ok so ive been trying to get a job lately and dude once i do i am SOOOO freaking going to buy a cosplay costume. Then try and go to Anime Con in Nebraska (here where i live) Dude im going to be so happy if i could go ^^

Ok so a whiole back i was surfing the web and i came across this site and i dont know you tell me if how this is spelled sound as preppy as it IS spelled. And im not exaggerating on how its spelled it really is spelled the way im going to show you.
"EH-MA-GAWD, Hawt or Nawt!!!!" so tell me, xD does that sound preppy?

June 9th i got my Nose peirced, I know i was supposed to get my lip peirced but the place i got my nose peirced only allows 16 year olds get their lip peirced yet they allowed 14 year olds get their naval (belly button) peirced and 15 year olds get their nose, or eye brow peirced well before im 16 im getting all of those :D Well actually after im 16 im getting my belly button peirced. And i cannot wait!!! My nose peircing heals for three months so June9th-July9th(1 month), July9th-August9th(2 months), and August9th-September9th(3months)... Gawd i have to wait til a month into my sophmore year to get my eyebrow peirced. D:

Ok so i met a complete hotty online he lives in Nebraska where i do too. Also he lives like uberly close to me!!!! Oh-my-god! Hes my age and in the same grade hes a little opposite of how i am but we get along GREAT! Me and my friend call him MY McHottie. But His name is Matt. ;) I hope he comes back from his Uncles on time to meet me and Aliyah at the mall on July 7th at 5pm Grrrr. hahahaha :)

well thats all for now!
Your Wacky Little Writer,
Star :)


Ex-bf helps~Crazy after midnight~Thinderstorms

I Have a lot to cover in this post so this one is going to be rreeaallllyy long haha. :) (well actually im going to have a few posts... ^^)

OK first;
I hate when guys that you've gone out with and you've broken up with them And they still have feelings for you. They try to help you when they think your current boyfriend will break up with you. I mean i think its sweet and all but really i'd appreciate it more if i wa sin 5th-8th grade still But im almost a 10th grader... If it's true then oh well ill move on. Im almost a freaking sophmore. I'm not going to be like all the girls in school who feel as if the guy shes with (every guy shes with in high school)is the one.. I am DEFINETLY NOT going to be like them. Because besides i know im not going to be in the small 10% of couples who marry their High School sweet heart. I know there's going to be heart breaks. That i can garruntee. But i dont care, then the heart breaks in and the dumb asses who caused them out. I mean i have had my heart torn, stomped on, ripped up, and thrown away before.. Im a big girl now, Im 15 not 10.

Ive realized that after Midnight, i go loopy and all hyper and crazy. I can't really control my level of voice at all. Hahaha. I think its funny because this only happenes around 2am-3(4)am. Hahahahahaha.

Thunderstorms kinda drive me crazy and piss me off when im trying to watch a tv show i like a LOT at like 4am but because i am absolutely INLOVE with thunderstorms. Hahahaha.

Thats all for this post.

Your Wacky Little Writer,
Star :)