How Many Visits!?


I have no fucking clue what to post this one as.

Today, is Valentines day... 2012

Today i have been single for 1 year 8 days (id have minutes seconds hours etc down but that would require math and well i'm failing that pretty much this year so... no)
Today is also the day i got a boyfriend,
Realized i'm in love with someone who is too old for me.
Found out that maybe being single is what i do best.
And well maybe i asked the wrong questions to the wrong person...?

I have so many confused emotions right now.
i have no idea what tangled mess i've created.
I could either end up in some thing i don't really want to be in.
Or worse, break someones heart and lose them as a friend.

Mixed emotions aren't really good for me.
Mainly because i tend to over think all my actions which gives me a massive head ache
THEN i tend to get very stressed
break down
very stupid

Star would liek to die now thanks -___-;

Good Night all


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