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This School Year...

..... Has been good so far. sorta......

Homecoming this year was fun, aside from my best friend not wanting to dance EVER...
But whatever, she mostly wanted to see other friends so I'm bleh on that part.
I had fun ^_^ so that's all that matters.

I had gotten a second job... Only to have to quit a few months later cause it was too far form my house when I was scheduled on the weekends. So I was pretty much spending half of that paycheck on gas to get there plus school. It was okay when I was scheduled after school cause it was a 5 min drive there, just not on Saturdays.
Then after I had told my BF that I had quit it and he said something that i found very smart. He said I should have asked if they could transfer me to the theatre closer to my house. I probably should have... I wasn't thinking when i had put in my 2 weeks. *sigh* whateverrrrr

Then a week or so before winter break I got my debit card stolen along with $400 dollars. (This bitch was nice enough to leave me $300.....) So I had to cancel that card, then get a new one. Now I'm in the process of getting the cunt, yes I used that word to describe this bitch, I'm in the process of getting this cunt caught on video tapes because she was stupid enough to go to a BANKS ATM to withdraw the money that they stole.
Now, I know I'm responsible for whats happened. Because I had gotten drunk and I had told everyone there that weekend my card number, IM AN IDIOT I KNOW!!!!

Winter break was fine I spent time with some friends, worked a little and spent time with my BF.

At my first job, I've only been working once a week.... However, it's been rare to be scheduled now. And when I am my hours are cut... So I'm not exactly being scheduled... my last paycheck from this job was $60... My dad has stopped taking money out of my savings to pay my bills that i have... Due to the whole finacial problem....

Now its second semester, January 17th, and It's been decently nice outside the past couple days. However in winter in NE that usually means to prepare for coldness later on.

I'm now currently looking for another second job, that will not only schedule me more, but also pay a decent amount.

I've been getting senioritis people its scary. I've been re thinking my future career choice a lot. And debating wether or not I'm going to be able to afford it. I want to be out of here by fall. I want to be at Wayne.

Well everyone that's all I have to say about this senior year. I'll try to update more often. Considering I have some free time.


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