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Honey, Rejection is nothing new for a girl like me...

What is that supposed to mean, you ask?

Well, it means just that.
I'm so used to being rejected that its like a second known language that i fluently speak.

Every guy that rejects me i always say, Don't be sorry because I'm used to it.
and every time they say the same thing, But you don't deserve it.

Well honey, if i don't deserve it then why are you rejecting me?


I'm not mad at anyone if any of you "readers" *if any* think I'm posting this because I'm mad.

I'm just simply stating that, rejection is apart of life you have to go down risky paths to get to the other side.
and some people stick to the safe side and roll with the crowd.
Others don't others take risks and make their life manageable.

Rejection is apart of the risky road that I've taken. And it's become something I'm used to.
I've chose this path to go down and I'm just fighting the obsticles and I'm making my way.

Life is a journey, and I'm living it the way i want to live it. If it means more misery before the happiness, then so be it. I'm happy with the risky path I've chosen and I know in the end i will live a happy life.

I will never make anyone chose to do something they aren't comfortable with.
And it is up to them to either say no and turn away or say yes and follow me down the risky path.
And I strongly believe that even if you chose a risky path. There is always a way out. There's never a stay put path once you've taken it.
It's just up to you to continue the path or turn back.
But sometimes you can't turn back, and that's only if you carry your way on the path for so long that the only way out is to create your own path out.

What i mean is....
Life's a Journey, sometimes taking a risk just makes life funner.
Risks don't always mean, drugs and drinking and sex.
But a risk you don't normally do in life.
A risk is taking a side step away from the safe path, and making a a path that have doors that open up to a better life and a much more happier life.

My path isn't a side step but more like a; look to my left a look to my right and walk like 3miles from the safe path and head into a dark alley and fight off whatever comes my way.
That's the path i've chosen. But Some people do that. Go down wrong paths, but sometimes you walk down roads like that and find people who are good. And help you through the path you've chosen.

And what i've just said might make NO sense at all but thats my logic on life. Its roads and roads of paths you chose to take or to ignore. No one MAKES you do anything its all up to you if you want to or not sometimes you chose to and regret it later. But thats life. 
Risks come with it.
No one said it'd be easy.


My main goal of this post is that. I don't like rejection. But i hate when guys say "You don't deserve rejection."
Don't tell me i don't deserve it if you are in the process of going to reject me. Show me that i don't.

Even if all i receive is a friendship. Even if that is all I'm not being rejected.

In this life i don't need a boy to be happy. I rather have a best friend than a guy i used to know and a guy i used to like.

That's all i wanted to say, readers, that's all i needed to say.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

There was this girl I liked but unsure if it would work between us. When I was sure it wouldn't work, She told me to take risks more. So I did and I went crazy for her. I went into it thinking she wanted exactly the same thing. But I found out she didn't have the same feelings for me. I felt more like her dog than her lover. So right when I had enough and even got a second opinion to make sure, She sais she wanted to date me. But at that point it was too late. I made my mind up and ended up hurting her. I do regret hurting her, but really, I think about how long it took her to finally say yes, and realized all those kisses and the closeness we shared wasn't the same to her as it was to me. For me it was the begging of something. To her, it was just fun. Now I'm alone again and she already is talking about other guys. She said take a risk, I did, and I lost a lot.