How Many Visits!?
I'm no Goddess...
Honey, Rejection is nothing new for a girl like me...
Well, it means just that.
I'm so used to being rejected that its like a second known language that i fluently speak.
Every guy that rejects me i always say, Don't be sorry because I'm used to it.
and every time they say the same thing, But you don't deserve it.
Well honey, if i don't deserve it then why are you rejecting me?
I'm not mad at anyone if any of you "readers" *if any* think I'm posting this because I'm mad.
Boys, Boys, Men, Boys
Gentle man same deal, older sister, friends, got picked on?
Movies, Movies, Movies!
So, I'm on right?
Well, I'm looking for a movie to watch some look interesting.
Some look dumb.
Some look sad.
Some well some look like they should have never been made...
Pissy week? Bad mood? = a very apologetic Star when shes in a good mood.
So last night i posted a very mean-ish post without realizing that my bestfriend Aaron would possibly read it. Now i know this isnt a big excuse but i was drunk. And i felt like since i got a boyfriend he has been in a pissed off mood. Or a down mood. I felt like maybe he didnt want to talk to me all that much.... So a drunk Star + the access to her blog = a very mean-ish post.
I called him a Jackass.... >.> didnt mean to... That was seriously me just drunk. He's not one. And i hope if he reads this he knows that im sorry. :/
A lot
Aaron Text me when you can, kay hun?
Guy friends. WHAT THE FUCK???
Ok so lately since i got a bf. All my guy friends have been bluh!
Like fuck. First my best friend Aaron just seems pissed all the time when im talking to him, i miss when he talks to me all happy like not fucking pissed. He makes up excuses and he acts like nothings wrong. But to his dismay i know something is wrong. Jack ass.
Then theres chad. Miss the fuck out of him. But little fucker dont talk to me any more. :/
I miss talking to him all the time too. Miss his hugs as well >_>;
This post is gonna be short as fuck.
Seeya readers
Holy shit monkeys space cows are reuniting with the Galexy! :O
My thoughts and a heads up
I've come to the conclusion that my feelings on the relationship was just me psyching myself out.