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Love and 3 thruths

What's the meaning of love? I mean Love could... or couldn't happen; right? Depending on the person there are a million different meanings of love.

Romantic terms:
Love is what I call a phase. Phases are just temporarily habits. So therefore in my mind Love is just temporary and will eventually grow old...
I've felt love before, though, I'm only fourteen I've had one of those perfect relationships before. I was head over heels for this guy, but soon that ended and it didn't exactly end pretty.

Family Terms:
Thats the love that I call eternity. Because, this can last for eternity. There's no end when is comes to having family and loving them.

Friend Terms:
This is what I just plain out call a win-lose situation of love. You win the affection (love) of a friend, and they love ya back (not in that sense) and you have a friend. Though you'll eventually either grow up and get out of touch or you (or your friend) will hurt one another some how and never talk to each other again. Therefore losing a friend. Again a win-lose situation type of love. you win a friend then (eventually) lose a friend.

A quote from a friend:
"...To those reading this there are 3 truths in this world that I have seen numerous times. They are all simple and easy to remember. They take to and come from the heart." -Ace (Via multiple Facebook status updates)

I have quotes in this blog this time. Might take me a while to actually post this one.
I will talk of each truth he posted about...

"The first truth I have come across is that LOVE is not only a GIFT it is also a CURSE."
Ok thats not the full quote, but I need to stop right there. That's true, like supremely true.
"It's simple really there are to many times that I have seen it. If you fall in love you feel all too much happy, but when that person leaves you or cheats on you then what?" -Ace
And again, this is very true. When one falls in love and I mean TRUE love (yes it does exist I believe so that it does) When one falls in love they feel super happy and head over heels for that one special person, too the point of doing anything for them. But really? What happens when they cheat on you? You'd be crushed and feel betrayed. You'll also feel like you won't ever find someone like them ever again...?!

"The second truth I've had to deal with like I did the first one. It is that you can't get something without sacrifice. You get a job you give up your free time and get paid in return. You give your life to the military and in return save millions of lives." -Ace
That is true, and soon i'll also be witnessing this truth. I am turning 15 on May 25th (2010) and will be applying for a job a little after. I'll be giving up my free time for in return I'll be getting paid to work (again)... ((chores do not count!!!)) Or how after high school I plan to go to college, I'm giving up the time to be rid of school for the rest of my life, but in return I get a better education to get me farther in life.
So that is true that you can't get something with out sacrifice.

"The third truth is something I was told by a very wise woman. You have four homes... This is a little different. There is the home where your heart is. The home where your friends are. The home where your family is, and the home where you live. It's as simple as that." -Ace
Ok this is going to be MUCH harder to explain... for me to explain in my terms anyway.. This is all true. (we all should know this by now since i've proven them all already ^^''') The home where your heart is, is literally in your heart. There's a home in your body... You shouldn't feel uncomfortable in your own body. You were born into this world in that body that flesh that soul, THAT SPIRIT. It's the only home that nobody should be ever allowed into because it's your sanctuary, no body else's. The home where your friends are and that's where ever your friends go. The one where your family is, well kind of different in my terms. I don't really like my actual family really (Christine sorry if you don't like this part) because they are all very religious and I can't be that way with them. I just don't believe in that. So the home where my family is is where ever my 2nd family is. And finally the home where you live is always going to change, but its always where ever you live so... Again true. :)

"But there is one more thing that is the FACT of the world and every one knows it. MONEY MAKES THE WORLD GO ROUND. It's simple and true." -Ace
We all know this is true, like he has said it Its simple and true.

Well sorry for the practical week delay, my first blog with quotes. Very hard and so exhausting.
Have fun reading this and I hope it's really good.
Well thats all for now. And for tonight. See you all to-marrow.
Your Wacky Little Writer,
Star :)

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