How Many Visits!?


Longest Road I've ever Traveled on...


A lot of things are coming these up coming months. I'll be going to college in mid August. I'll be going on a week long vacation end of July. And  in the first week of August will have officially been in the longest relationship I've ever been in. 

In my situation however it wasn't a normal roller coaster ride. There were ups, and there were downs. But this baby, oh man, this roller coaster broke apart on separate tracks each cart going onto a different track. Then eventually all carts one by one would come back as one roller coaster but each time you were in a different spot. Either farther back from the front of the ride, or up front, or somewhere I between. 

Me and my boyfriend have stayed strong by each other through almost everything. He was always there for me, and cared no matter what the situation. He's taken care of me and has been there for me and has helped me a lot. 

My friends don't particularly like him, but he's not in a relationship with me to please my friends. He's in it with me because he wants to be with me. Besides my friends shouldn't judge before they meet him. I'm not much of a bragger I'm more of a ranter.

I'm shy I'm the what he does for me is for me, with the occasional gossip about the big things he does for me. Like trips or weekends in the city at a hotel or road trips to a near by city for a few days. Or vacations. Or romantic birthday, all day dates he plans. They don't care, cause they hear the bad too. The fights, the excuses , the talks. 
That's how me and my friends talk. Gossip. 

(Don't get me wrong I love my friends I just with they could all get along eventually)

So make it up to my boyfriend for not only the nice things he's done for me, but for the shit he has to put up with when I'm in one of my "moods". 
I've planned a nice home cooked dinner, complete with small appetizer. Dinner. Then dessert. It'll be romantic. One he'll love we'll have fun eat enjoy company, then well put in a movie and enjoy the night together. I'm such a schmuck I know, I love romantic things and since the biggest step in out relationship is about to be taken. I wanted to do something amazing for him. 

Then not soon after our anniversary. Ill be going to college in a town two hours away and then the real test begins. A long term, long distance relationship. In which I cannot seem to understand. How I'm going to deal with this bit I will get trough it with him and we will get through it all. We always get through the tough. Well til next time. 



Quick over view of the Major events this last semester of Sr. Year :)

Hello readers,

I know I haven't blogged in a while, it's my senior year and it's been busy. -.-;
Some of you know how it feels some of you don't


Here are some updates,
Today is the 3rd of May, FRIDAY :D

Beginning of the year started out normal, slow. End of 1st semester i got $400 stolen from me.
I was in the hospital from February 26th to the 28th and was out of school for 4 days.... I fell behind majorly... ALSO didnt help that Senioritis [Senioritis - When a Sr. in High School becomes lazy and doesnt want to do any work the last half of school] was settling in by then, you can't expect a Senior in High School to take a week off from school due to medical conditions then expect them to take the next 2 weeks to play catch up...
Teachers crack me up *laughing*
However, there were the few teachers who were nice and exempted me from a few assignments and even some of them aren't putting my final in due to the visit 3 months ago.
I bet you're wondering "Why were you in the hospital?"
Well long story short,

I was in serious pain in my lower abdoman area, my friend looked up my symptoms with out me knowing and said that I might have apendicitis, (in no relation to senioritis)... when I looked it up my self it started to panic (WHICH IS BAD TO DO BECAUSE STRESS CAN CAUSE AN APENDIX WITH THIS DISEASE TO RUPTURE) well my friend, Monica, found a ride came and picked me up and took me to the hospital. When there after like 3-4 hours of being in the ER the doctors finally told me that Monica was right and that I in fact had the disease.
Now by this point the only thing that I had eaten all day was 3/4th of a non-fat yogurt that I could barely keep down. (Ate that at 2pm, i was admitted in the ER at 4pm, and admitted to a room by 8pm)
They wouldnt let me eat or drink anything... I WAS STARVING...
The next day (27th) i went into pre-op at noon, into operation at 1 and I remember waking up at like 3pm. I do not remember much between leaving pre-op and waking up... Aside from waking up the first time in pain crying and wanting my dad.
When i woke up the next time (i think i had passed back out from the pain???) I was in my hospital room, my dad was watching TV and not even 5 minutes later, after asking my nurse "So... Can I eat now?" , room service walked in with 2 milk cartons, a plate of fries, chicken fingers, and fruit salad... My daddy knows how to satisfy my appetite ^_^ (mind you by this time it had been over 24 hours since i had eaten anything so i was glad my dad made my first meal big, i finished all of it)

I stayed again over night. I got no sleep due to my machines going off every time i fell asleep. The nurses explanation was "The machines aren't used to being hooked up to a very healthy young lady." i felt glad, but hated i hadnt gotten any sleep. I spent most my time on FB and watched movies. I was bored through majority of it all. I got to leave at 3pm on the 28th and i stayed home on the 1st of March. and went back to school the following monday... which sucked cause i was in pain and i couldnt wear anything but sweats because jeans were too tight to wear..

That was the major event of this semester.... it sucked.

Now it's may 3rd and I finally got a good interview for a job. I have a drug test and background check on sunday the 5th...
I've quitted smoking cigarettes and ive been really cranky lately... God i hate withdrawls.

The 10th is my last day of school (WOO FOR BEING A SENIOR), Prom is on the 11th, I have finals day on the 13th and i graduate on the 21st and then 4 days after i graduate i turn the magical number of 18!!
Im excited.

This week due to quitting smoking and the impending doom of the background check (i so badly need this job) it's been going by slowly and no fun and it just needs to end already im just.... T.G.I.F

Any way... I have a week left if you incluse saturday and sunday... But to be very technical i have 5 days left. And then i have one day to be here again to just take finals and then im free of this hell hole.

Well thats all for now... TTYL readers.



This School Year...

..... Has been good so far. sorta......

Homecoming this year was fun, aside from my best friend not wanting to dance EVER...
But whatever, she mostly wanted to see other friends so I'm bleh on that part.
I had fun ^_^ so that's all that matters.

I had gotten a second job... Only to have to quit a few months later cause it was too far form my house when I was scheduled on the weekends. So I was pretty much spending half of that paycheck on gas to get there plus school. It was okay when I was scheduled after school cause it was a 5 min drive there, just not on Saturdays.
Then after I had told my BF that I had quit it and he said something that i found very smart. He said I should have asked if they could transfer me to the theatre closer to my house. I probably should have... I wasn't thinking when i had put in my 2 weeks. *sigh* whateverrrrr

Then a week or so before winter break I got my debit card stolen along with $400 dollars. (This bitch was nice enough to leave me $300.....) So I had to cancel that card, then get a new one. Now I'm in the process of getting the cunt, yes I used that word to describe this bitch, I'm in the process of getting this cunt caught on video tapes because she was stupid enough to go to a BANKS ATM to withdraw the money that they stole.
Now, I know I'm responsible for whats happened. Because I had gotten drunk and I had told everyone there that weekend my card number, IM AN IDIOT I KNOW!!!!

Winter break was fine I spent time with some friends, worked a little and spent time with my BF.

At my first job, I've only been working once a week.... However, it's been rare to be scheduled now. And when I am my hours are cut... So I'm not exactly being scheduled... my last paycheck from this job was $60... My dad has stopped taking money out of my savings to pay my bills that i have... Due to the whole finacial problem....

Now its second semester, January 17th, and It's been decently nice outside the past couple days. However in winter in NE that usually means to prepare for coldness later on.

I'm now currently looking for another second job, that will not only schedule me more, but also pay a decent amount.

I've been getting senioritis people its scary. I've been re thinking my future career choice a lot. And debating wether or not I'm going to be able to afford it. I want to be out of here by fall. I want to be at Wayne.

Well everyone that's all I have to say about this senior year. I'll try to update more often. Considering I have some free time.
